With rising energy costs today, it might prove insightful and money saving to conduct a quick energy audit throughout your house. Begin with a well thought out check list and you may discover a variety of energy issues in you home. While performing your audit, mark off the checklist for areas you have inspected and problems you have discovered. You will use this later to determine your required energy efficiency upgrades and perform a total energy home improvement.
Air Leaks are a major cause of energy loss.
First write down a list of the very obvious air leaks. The potential energy savings from eliminating blatant air leaks in a home may range from 5 to 30% per year. Examine closely for interior air leaks, such as gaps along the baseboard or edge of your flooring installation. Take a look where the walls and ceiling join. Check to see if air can flow through these joints.
There are a number of common places for air movement and energy losses. These will be discovered in many homes that were built during periods when energy issues were not a real factor in construction.
Electrical outlets and switch plates traditionally have not been sealed but current energy costs make this a worthwhile investment and the labour is minimal. Be sure to follow proper safety procedures around electrical connections. Look for tight mouldings around windows and if possible try to determine if insulation was placed between the framing and walls.
Check all baseboards for drafts or air spaces. Ensure that the weather stripping around doors is in good condition and creates a proper seal. Determine that fireplace dampers have been properly installed and operate properly for peak efficiency. Check this link if you are looking for furnaces in san diego.
Check the fit and insulation around attic entrances. Check wall or window-mounted air conditioners for air tight installation. Be sure to check for gaps around pipes and wires, electrical outlets, foundation seals, and mail slots. Check to see if the caulking and weather stripping have been applied effectively. There should be no gaps or cracks.
Inspect windows and doors for air leaks. Check that panes and frames are all tight and free of movement. Movement indicates potential air leaks. If you can see daylight around a door or window frame it goes without saying that you are leaking air. You can usually seal these leaks with caulking or weather stripping. Inspect your storm windows. New energy efficient storm windows will pay for themselves very quickly. You may also wish to consider replacing your current windows and doors with energy efficient products.