If you are like me you have probably tried all sorts in the past in the quest to achieve a perfect six pack.
Also I bet you’ve given up after a few weeks when you’ve discovered that instead of getting better ‘ABS’ your stomach has actually got bigger.
Fear not because I have done extensive research to find out why all the ‘B S’ about gaining a six pack doesn’t work & if you follow my six pack TIPS below you will achieve results QUICKLY & EASILY.
* First you need to reduce your body fat ratio. Men need a body fat of 10% or less & Women need a body fat of 15% or less. Everyone has a six pack it’s just that they are hiding it under layers of FAT
DO NOT PANIC when you read that last statement, it doesn’t mean you have to go on a diet it just means eat more sensibly (see next tip)
* Eat smaller meals & more frequently (every two to three hours) this will increase your metabolism, helping you to burn off the calories & the Fat
* So what are the Right types of food to eat. You need to combine a good proportion of protein with low glycemic carbohydrates (these are slow burning carbs’ that help you to stop feeling hungry
* Do the right type of exercises i.e. calorie burning cardiovascular exercise & resistance exercises (you need to burn off more calories than you consume)
* DON’T do hundreds of SIT UP’S (I thought you’d like that six pack TIP) Unless you reduce your body fat ratio all you will succeed in doing is making your stomach bigger. The Sit Up is not particularly effective as it doesn’t focus on the shape enhancing abdominal muscles.
* The best exercise for a six pack Stomach is 250% more effective than the Sit Up (& a hell of a lot easier) according to San Diego State University & that is the Bicycle Maneuver. To perform this exercise Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the floor. Raise your bottom off the floor, bring your knees up to a 45 degree angle & start pedaling that bicycle until you are fatigued.
* Drink plenty of water (about two litres a day) The human body is about 60% water & Lean Muscle Tissue is 75% water so it is very important not to dehydrate